The late Deacon Egbert Carter moved from Albemarle County with his family and saw the need for a church on the east side of town, known then as Basic City, which could serve the community.  Shiloh Baptist was the only Baptist Church for Blacks at that time, and its location was on the west side of town, known as Waynesboro.

In October 1892, a group of Christians met in what was then called the Old Newcomb Building of Basic City, known later as Kinser’s Esso Station on the corner of East Main Street and Commerce Avenue, to organize a church which was later called Union Baptist Church of Basic City.

The organization selected as the first pastor, the late Rev. Benjamin Gray.  They were not in the Newcomb Building very long before they purchased the old school house and property from the South River District School Board, at the end of the year 1892, for the sum of $350.00.

The first Trustees were as follows:  Brother Andrew Frazier, Sr. Robert Cousin, and Bartley Nicholas.  The first Deacons were Egbert Carter, Andrew Frazier, Sr. Robert Cousin, David Frye, George Stewart, and William Steward.

The original organizations of the church were the Deacon and Trustee Boards, and the Sunday School.  Congregational singing was used in the worship service.  The membership was nine.

As their families grew larger, the membership felt the need for a larger and better church building.  They worked hard, dreamed, and spent time in prayer.

In 1904, their dream became a reality.  The present church was built, with Rev. Hughes as the pastor.  This enabled the church body to grow and expand its church organizations and programs.

The church has been served by fourteen faithful pastors.  Although, a full list and details of the fourteen pastors and the many accomplishments of each administration, is not included in this historical account, there is one that we would like to acknowledge;  the late Rev. George W. Stewart, who served as pastor for 42 years, both with, and without pay.  Also, in its history, Union Baptist has produced four sons and one daughter in the ministry.

Under the pastorate of the late Rev. Reginald A. Johnson, who served from 1948-1952, the first renovation of the church was done.  Sunday services were expanded from two to four Sundays each month.

The late Rev. James H. Ellison, served from 1952-1972.  It was during his administration that the financial part of the renovation was completed and the mortgage was burned.

The present church building was bricked in 1972.

In June 1974, the church was notified by the Virginia State Highway Department that they were going to widen South Delphine Avenue to the Intersection of East Main Street.  This road improvement would require 1,890 square feet of property on which Union Baptist Church was setting; actually taking one-half of the church building itself.  Either the church had to be torn down or moved.  Deacon Thomas Ware, was Chairman of Board of Deacons and Trustees at this time, however he was ill and assigned the responsibility of this project to Deacon Eugene C. Perry, Sr.  Deacon Perry found a contractor from Roanoke, VA who would be able to move the building back.  Plans were drawn up and submitted to the City of Waynesboro for approval to add the basement to the church building.  The church was moved back, and it was during this renovation that the Fellowship Hall was added and other improvements were made to the building.

Under the combined leadership of pastors throughout these years, church organizations and programs have been added and enhanced to meet the needs of the time and interests of the congregations, as well as serve the community as a whole.  These include, The Usher Board, under the leadership of Deacon Thomas Ware in 1942, weekly Bible Study, Youth Day,  Annual Scholarship awards, the Annual Celebration of Family & Friends Day, the Deaconess Ministry, the Pastor’s Aid Ministry, the Praying Women and the Evening Doves, Youth Church, Van Ministry, Box of Blessing Ministry,  the organization of several choirs.   Most recently, the Media Ministry, and expanding our Missions Ministry to include partnerships, such as the Salvation Army and Advancing Native Missions. Through the years, Union Baptist Church has officially held memberships in seven area organizations.

The church expanded its physical location on East Main Street and Winchester Avenue by purchasing a total of three of the adjacent properties and lots in December, 2000, August, 2002, and April 2011.

The church congregations, over more than 130 years have been made up of faithful members, and families, some representing generations of its early history. Many have stepped forward to lead or serve in whatever capacity needed for the betterment of the church and bring us to this day.

On April 15th, 2023, Dr. Earl L. Pendleton was installed as the 15th Pastor of the Union Baptist Church.  Under his leadership, we continually discover new needs, opportunities, and a renewed vision for our future.  Most notably, using his gift for teaching the Word, is the growth of our Sunday School and Weekly Bible Study.  Recognizing the continuing effects of the pandemic, Union has an expanded, new Media Ministry, which provides the capabilities of sharing weekly services and church activities with others online.

Throughout its history, and the legacy left us by our founders, Union Baptist Church has demonstrated that it is a congregation that continues to see to know God and we pray that he will use us for HIS purpose!

Original Church History compiled by:

The Late Irene P. Harris, Church Clerk

The Late Elizabeth A. Belton, Church Secretary